What is the thyroid gland?
The thyroid gland is located in the throat, on both sides of the upper part of the trachea,
What is hypothyroidism?
The operation of the thyroid gland means that the level of hormone secretion decreases, if the body does not produce enough hormones, the person feels or shows several symptoms that are characteristic of this disease.
Thyroid disease is common in middle-aged women, it is very common in our Somali women, but unfortunately doctors do not recognize it quickly, as the symptoms can resemble other diseases such as rheumatism, heart disease, cholesterol disease, brucellosis, calcium deficiency and the disease known as "Fibromyalgia", so if you see the symptoms of this disease, the doctor should examine you for all these diseases to make sure which one you claim.
In this thyroid disease it is necessary for the body to get the missing hormone.
What are the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction?
The first symptoms to notice are:
1- Laziness and fatigue (some women, due to fatigue and weakness, when they walk for a while they have to rest and sit down!!)
2- You suffer from the cold or the winter season and you get bored.
3- Constipation
4- Gain weight without eating too much food
5- Swollen face or you feel full or your jaws are swollen.
6- Hoarse voice especially in the early mornings (these people find their throats swollen)
7- Muscle pain and weakness that you cannot stand up easily unless you do something or get up on all fours.
8- Joint pain or swelling
9- Menstruation that confuses you or becomes more frequent.
10- You feel that your skin is thinning or peeling
11- Your skin becomes dusty or dry
12- Forgetfulness that you did not have before and mental laziness.
13- Repeated abortion or women who do not become pregnant causes this disease.
13- The gland swells or swells, and the person feels that the throat is being choked. (Glandular retirement pain does not necessarily mean that the gland is swollen). Most people have this disease with a sore throat.
If left untreated, these symptoms can worsen and worsen and may progress to low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, low body temperature and even coma. "enter. but it is not often seen.
What causes thyroid dysfunction?
Thyroid dysfunction is caused by:
1- An infection in the gland that kills the cells that produce hormone secretions
2- If a person with an overactive thyroid gland has been given too many sedatives that have caused the thyroid gland to fail.
3- That the person's body is less of the substance made of the hormone known as "Iodine".
4- Another gland in the brain called the "Pituitary" whose function is to control and give orders to the thyroid gland that is defective.
5- The entire gland has been removed due to pain or a tumor.
5- Some medicines.
6- During pregnancy, the function of the gland decreases in mothers during pregnancy.
7- The last thing is that the child can be born with a thyroid gland if the mother has little iodine in her body or the child does not have the gland or the gland is defective from God.
How do you know if you have this disease?
It can be determined by a blood test to check the level of thyroid secretions that are low, high and normal. This test is known as "Thyroid Function Test", it looks at three hormones, TSH, T4 and T3. and they work together, the doctor should know how to read this answer to know your type of pain and how to treat it.
If I have hypothyroidism, do I need medication?
The treatment is as simple as taking a pill to replace the missing hormone, a medicine called "thyroxine" and take one pill every day for the rest of your life. This pill is the hormone your body needs, not as some people believe. medicine that heals the gland.
This medicine is very helpful for the symptoms and they are hidden. It is important that you contact a doctor while you are taking the medicine to make sure that the dose of the pill given to you is sufficient. You may be able to get rid of the medicine and the gland will start working again, it is possible to drive forever, it is possible to increase the medicine or to continue as it is. When the pain is new, you should see your doctor every 3 months, then every 6 months. If you are pregnant, you must contact your doctor because the medicine is usually changed.
Until now, there is no natural medicine that is sure that the pill can replace it, there are some foods that can help the work of the gland when a person is healthy, but when the gland is dysfunctional, the person must take medicine.
Do your best to stay on track.
If you experience a return of symptoms while taking the medication, contact your doctor as soon as possible
If you find yourself sweating profusely or with palpitations and tingling in your hands, go back to your doctor, you may have overdosed.
If you want to get pregnant consult your doctor.
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